If you want immediate information about lofts currently available for sale in the REALTOR® database , please email me (TonyRay@SeeTucsonLofts.com) or call me on my cell phone at (520) 631-TONY (8669).
Sometimes there are lofts and condo’s not available yet to the public. Many times, the loft owners let me know in advance that they will be selling their loft in the future. The loft has not been posted to the Tucson Association of REALTOR’s® MLS database, so other brokers and agents would not know about them.
Simply enter your email below to learn more about new Tucson lofts, homes, and condos as soon as possible. You’ll find out about new lofts and new loft projects before they are even available! You’ll be able to tour the loft homes and even make your best offer before anyone else even knows they exist.
How to Navigate The Website
This site has many fun pages all dedicated to lofts, condos, and townhomes in Tucson AZ. To get better acquainted with all of the different lofts, check out the “Loft Communities” pages on the menu.
Also on the menu are lofts for Sale where you will see loft photos, loft videos, news articles and press, and even some lofts for rent (when available).
You will also find a specific page on each of the loft projects with more information about those specific loft communities:
Tucson Loft Communities For Sale
I am out of the office usually during the day showing homes or at home inspections etc., so please call me on my cell phone
Enjoy the site,
Tony Ray
Loft and Modern Homes Specialist
Tucson Real Estate